Gather, Organize And Analyse Info With Microsoft Forms

Need to gather client feedback, gauge employee satisfaction, or simply organize a team event? Microsoft Forms is the tool for you — check out our latest Microsoft webinar to learn how to use it.

In our latest webinar, TLC President Michael Nelson showed attendees how to use Microsoft Forms. Check out the full recording to discover how for yourself:

What Is Microsoft Forms?

Microsoft Forms is a survey generator, integrated as a part of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. It allows users to create and share surveys, as well as gather, collate and analyze the responses accumulated by those surveys.

How Does Microsoft Forms Work?

Whether you access it via the Microsoft 365 browser homepage, or by directly going to, you will arrive at the My Forms page, which will list any recent forms you’ve created, and provide a launching off point for creating new forms, viewing gathered data and more.

How Should You Use Microsoft Forms?

First of all, you should understand the types of forms you can create and use:

  • Surveys: This type of form allows you to gather data based on questions you set, wherein attendees can choose from multiple choices you set up, rate responses on a numerical scale, and even fill in short/long answers.
  • Quizzes: These forms allow you to assign points based on whether responses are correct, making them ideal for testing knowledge among the recipients.
  • Polls: These forms are a simple way to measure preference among many options. For example, in the webinar, Michael set up a vacation poll, asking recipients what day of the week they want to leave, and where they want to go.

With all these different types of forms, the app also allows you to set sharing preferences:

  • Who Can Fill Out The Form: You can set it to be open to anyone with the shared link, or just members of your organization in Microsoft 365.
  • Options For Responses: You can set a time range for when responses are allowed (ideal for time-sensitive polls, or quizzes with a due date), as well as choose to shuffle the questions, customize your thank you message, and even receive notifications for when responses have been submitted.
  • Language: You can set a default and secondary language, if applicable to your organization or recipients of the form you’re creating.

That’s not all Forms can do — artificial intelligence is fully-integrated into the app, which allows it to prompt suggested answers to certain types of questions. Furthermore, all data you gather, when applicable, can be automatically expressed as charts, graphs and spreadsheets, all of which is updated in realtime as new results come in.

For a detailed demonstration of how Microsoft Forms works, from customizing form colors to easily adding photos through the Bing integration, be sure to watch the webinar posted above.

Want To Learn More About Microsoft Apps?

TLC Tech will be holding webinars like the one above every Wednesday. CLICK HERE to access our on-demand library of past webinars, and see the schedule for upcoming broadcasts.