
This Month’s Useful Website Pick

There are likely a few different websites and online services you use every day—Netflix, eBay, Amazon, etc.

Have you ever tried to visit one of these sites, only to be stuck loading for an extended period, or given an error? Whenever this happens, it can be frustrating not knowing if it’s a problem with your Internet connection or devices, or a problem with the site itself. can help you find out what’s going on.

How Does Work? tracks outages across hundreds of online services. When you visit the site, you’ll see options for many of the most popular services, from Comcast and Cox to Facebook and Instagram.

To check the status of a specific service, follow these steps:

  1. Select the service from the homepage, if it appears there; otherwise, search for your service in the main search bar at the top of the page
  2. When you select your service, it will take you to another page, which will offer a basic status, such as, “No problems at ______”, or “Problems at ______”
  3. Beneath the status, you can view other metrics, showing outage reports over time, maps of outage areas, and breakdowns of most reported problems
  4. If you believe you’re experiencing an issue specific to the service, you can report the problem by clicking the button “I have a problem with _____”

It’s that simple. can help you quickly figure out whether the root of a problem is occurring with your systems or the service provider. You can use this information to track progress on fixes resolutions, allowing you to budget your time and plan around outages.

For more useful advice for your business, contact us or call: (916) 441-3838