How Do You Apply For Nonprofit Status?

Applying for nonprofit status with Microsoft is very quick and easy. If you’re not sure if you qualify, be sure to check out the first article in this series:

Do You Qualify for Microsoft Nonprofit Status?

The steps are slightly different depending on if you already have a Microsoft Tenancy for your organization or not.

The direct link to the Microsoft page is right here:

Creating A New Tenancy

It will give you the option to create a brand new tenancy or to log in with a current one. It is important to note that the account you create will become the global administrator, with all rights and permissions for configuration. If you’re using a current tenancy, you must log in with a current global admin.

It is important that you don’t create a new tenancy if you already have one! If you are unsure if your organization has one already, please check in with your IT support. They should be able to help you with this process.

Setting Up

Once you have either signed-in or created a new login, Microsoft will ask for some information about your organization. Make sure you have available your organization’s mission statement, name, number, address, website, registered tax ID number, or documentation from government entities.

After you have completed this setup, you will receive a confirmation email from Microsoft and will need to validate from within the email to start your using Microsoft 365. Once you have validated, you will be able to login in as an Admin and begin using Microsoft 365.

Now that you’re through the application portion, check out the next article in this series: Benefits of Being Nonprofit Status With Microsoft

For more information regarding Microsoft’s nonprofit application process, click here to get in touch with a representative or call (916) 441-3838 today!