Microsoft’s Nonprofit Status Benefits

Once Microsoft has approved you for your nonprofit status, you are ready to take full advantage of everything Microsoft has to offer. If you missed any previous articles in this series, be sure to check them out here:

How Does Your Microsoft Nonprofit Status Save You Money?

Currently, Microsoft is giving the first ten licenses of M365 Business Premium to nonprofits for free, with additional licenses being at a reduced cost of $5.00 each instead of the normal $20.00. Your organization will see a savings of $2,400 per year with the first ten users and an additional $180 a year per user past the 10th.

Standard M365 Business Premium Nonprofit M365 Business Premium Yearly Savings
$20 user/month 1-10 $0 user/month $2,400
$20 user/month 11+ $5 user/month $180 per user

Another benefit Microsoft offer is $3,500 in Azure credits, just for being a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Azure is Microsoft’s cloud service that hosts virtual workstations or servers.

Virtual desktops allow users to connect from any pc and be able to have the same experience no matter what hardware they are using. This can be beneficial if your budget does not allow you to upgrade hardware often; users can be assigned more resources in their virtual environment and run software that their physical hardware would not be able to support.

Nonprofits also receive a massive discount for Dynamics 365, which operates as both a customer relationship manager (CRM) and a business application platform. Dynamics 365 may be very high level for some of its features, but if your organization does not currently use a CRM, this program integrates perfectly with your information on Microsoft 365.

It works as a great tool to manage your relationships with volunteers, donors, and even your employees. Microsoft also offers a “FastTrack” service, where they will help onboard your organization to get up and running with Dynamics 365.

Dynamics 365 offers a wide variety of applications ranging from HR to sales and marketing with varying prices for the general public. However, for nonprofits, the pricing for Customer Engagement Enterprise Apps (sales, customer service, field service, and project service automation) is $23.80 user/month and $1.80 user/month for additional team members that only need light use.

So now we have an idea of the monetary value Microsoft provides for nonprofits, check out the next article in this series: Leveraging The Microsoft Eco-System For Productivity

For more information regarding Microsoft’s nonprofit application process, click here to get in touch with a representative or call (916) 441-3838 today!