Book Highlight — How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Book Highlight — How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale CarnegieNo man is an island — that’s as true of our business lives as it is of our private ones.

The fact is that success in businesses depends in large part on interpersonal skills. Making a sale, locking in a deal, and so many other business-based tasks are a matter of understanding what people think, what they want, and how to talk to them about it.

This is the basis of Dale Carnegie’s classic book, How To Win Friends and Influence People. This best-selling guide to social success in the business environment is an invaluable resource for anyone that wants to improve the way they deal with coworkers, clients, and anyone else.

This book teaches readers how to be more likable, convincing, and magnetic. By understanding the key principles laid out by Carnegie, you will revolutionize the way you engage with those around you.

Find out more in How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.