Useful App Of The Month: Delete Duplicate Files With Gemini 2

Duplicate images, documents, and other files can quickly eat away at the available space on your computer. Gemini 2 will find and eliminate duplicates for you to help you make better use of your storage.

Are you frustrated with how little space there seems to be on your computer? Are you constantly getting notifications that your computer is low on disk space? Do you have to delete files every time you want to download something new?

Managing your digital storage can be a pastime of its own in the modern age of consumer electronics. That’s what makes Gemini 2 such a useful app — it automatically identifies duplicate files that you can be deleted to free up valuable disk space.

CLICK HERE to try it out right now.

What Is Gemini 2?

Gemini 2 is a file management app for Mac OS systems that automatically identifies duplicate files. These files are reviewed and any unnecessary ones are then eliminated, helping users to make better use of their available hard drive space.

How Does Gemini 2 Identify Duplicates?

Using smart scanning and analytic algorithms, Gemini 2 examines your disk space from end to end, looking at both file names and file content to identify any exact duplicates.

Once duplicates have been identified, Gemini 2 shows them to you for review, so that you can keep any duplicates you may need. All other duplicates are sent to your computer’s recycling bin.

How Do I Use Gemini 2 Duplicate Finder?

Gemini 2 could not be easier to use. Simply download the app, click “Scan for Duplicates”, review the identified files, and click “Smart Cleanup” to have them sent to your recycling bin.

How Do I Delete Duplicates In Gemini 2?

There are two different ways to delete duplicates with Gemini 2:

  1. Use the “Smart Cleanup” feature, which will automatically delete duplicates for you.
  2. Manually delete files identified by Gemini 2 in Finder.

Is Gemini 2 Free?

Gemini 2 offers a free version with limited features, and a full version for single users at a price of $19.95. Licenses for multiple users/devices can be purchased at higher rates.

The free download of Gemini 2 will scan your computer and show you the identified duplicates to review, but the delete function is a premium feature. Unless you want to manually delete all the files selected by Gemini 2, you will have to purchase a license to use its “Smart Cleanup” option.