Fix Your Spelling & Grammar With Grammarly

Tired of overlooking typos in your emails and documents?

No matter how strong a speller you may be, it’s a given that you’ll press the wrong key or mix up a word here or there. Unfortunately, doing so can be seen as highly unprofessional in work settings.

At the same time, editing and re-editing text before you share it can take up a lot of your free time. The good news is that there’s an easy way to spot and eliminate spelling errors…

Use Grammarly.


What Is Grammarly?

Grammarly is a cloud-based writing tool that actively reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, and advanced writing qualities such as clarity, engagement, and delivery.

Grammarly’s capabilities are reinforced by artificial intelligence, helping it to go beyond simple typos. It will analyze your writing and suggest ways to improve how you draft sentences and paragraphs.

How To Use Grammarly

  1. Go to Grammarly
  2. Click Get Grammarly
  3. Sign up for an account

Your next decision will be how you want to use the app. There are a couple of different options for how to integrate it into your writing:

Upload Text To Grammarly For Review

  1. Copy the text you want to review/save the document as a file
  2. Go to Grammarly
  3. Open a new document and copy the text/upload your document
  4. Review Grammarly’s suggestions

Add Grammarly’s Browser Extension

  1. Go to your browser’s extension store
  2. Find the Grammarly extension
  3. Install it in your browser
  4. Whenever you are drafting text in a browser, click the Grammarly icon in the corner to review suggestions

Don’t Let Typos Make You Look Bad

Becoming a stronger writer and carefully editing your work can be time-consuming and tedious. Using Grammarly to eliminate errors and improve your writing, cut out the busy work.