Useful Website Of The Month: Microsoft Learn

Access step-by-step guides and simple tutorials for all your Microsoft solutions and more on Microsoft Learn.

The better you understand the tools you use every day, the more efficient and productive you’ll become. The problem is that we use a lot of different tools in the modern business world.

Half a century ago, you just had to be proficient with a typewriter (or pay someone to do it for you). Today, you switch between document processors, email clients, spreadsheet apps, and more on a minute-to-minute basis.

Interested in becoming an expert Microsoft user, or learning modern skills like coding? Try Microsoft Learn.

CLICK HERE to try it out right now.

How Does Microsoft Learn Work?

Microsoft Learn is a free and interactive training platform for all things Microsoft.

It can help users like you to develop valuable skills with the suite of Microsoft apps. Whether you want to understand an advanced feature in Microsoft Word, or just dig into the basics of Microsoft Dynamics, you can do so on Microsoft Learn.

Furthermore, Microsoft Learn can even train you in new skills, such as coding and scripting. On the site, you can access brief step-by-step training programs, work in browser-based interactive coding and scripting environments, and progress through task-based achievements.

Microsoft Learn offers over 225 learning paths, more than 1,000 modules, and is localized in dozens of languages. It’s a great way to develop your skills as a user, and augment your qualifications as a professional, without having to spend money on expensive and time-consuming conventional education.