What Is Co-Managed IT?

Is your internal IT staff overworked with daily, tedious tasks? Are they struggling to make progress on major projects? Then you could benefit from co-managed IT.

Overseeing a business’s technology landscape is a daily struggle.

An IT manager or internal IT staff will tend to spend most of their time just “putting out fires” one after another. As important as that is, the constant stream of requests, troubleshooting, and maintenance tasks can keep your IT personnel from tackling the larger goals you have for your business technology, including:

  • Developing comprehensive IT security measures and practices to keep your business safe
  • Major projects, such as migrations, upgrades, and relocations
  • Replacing servers and other fundamental hardware
  • Moving application workloads to the cloud

An internal person or team can only offer so much in terms of availability, time, and skillsets. You might have the most talented person or people and they will still be limited in what they can do.

Co-managed IT services

Struggling With Daily IT Maintenance?

Daily IT activities, such as patches, user helpdesk, adds, moves and changes, do not require a high level of skill but are necessary for IT teams no matter the business. As a result, you may have discovered your growth projects have halted. All due, in part, because your IT team stays continuously preoccupied with keeping devices, the network and your security updated.

90% of IT work is handling tedious (yet nonetheless important) daily tasks. You can try to stay on top of it yourself, but if you miss even one day, it could lead to downtime or a cybersecurity vulnerability.

Get Extra IT Support Through Co-Managed IT

No matter whether your IT team is overworked or in over their heads, the solution is simple – get the extra help you need from a local IT company like TLC Tech.

Via co-managed IT services, our team of experienced technology professionals can work with your existing IT staff to help pick up the slack, and keep your business covered when your IT staff is away from the office.

Don’t assume that this is just one step on the path towards getting rid of your IT team altogether. According to CompTIA, only 6% of businesses like yours that outsource their IT end up eliminating their entire internal IT presence.

Instead, you can augment your internal team with additional support from an external IT company. Don’t bother overworking your internal IT staff with an inordinate workload or tasks that are beyond their capability. With a little help from a co-managed IT provider, you can better utilize your internal IT staff and develop a truly effective IT environment for your business.

We’re here to help. We offer a range of services that can be used to augment your internal technology department’s availability and/or expertise:

  • Around-the-clock monitoring and regular maintenance to keep systems running properly.
  • Data backup and business continuity planning to keep you ready to recover.
  • Remote or onsite support to assist with questions and/or issues.
  • Cybersecurity solutions to protect against hackers infecting the network.
  • And much, much more.