TLC Tech Is Working Remotely We Will Help You Do The Same

Now that our state and country as a whole is operating under shelter-in-place orders, it’s never been more critical for businesses to adopt and manage a remote workforce model. In the past few weeks, you’ve likely had to change the way you do business with virtually no time to think.

We’ve had to do so as well. Currently, our entire team is working remotely, except for one person from the leadership team who receive machines, processes mail, and performs other direct tasks. We were fortunate to have been able to perform a couple of “test runs” of our remote work plan before the shelter in place orders were issued for California, allowing us to work out the kinks. We’re still operating like normal, with the only difference being that our staff is working from home versus in the office. Our clients shouldn’t notice any differences (perhaps except for an occasional shriek from a child in the background of a call).

Work From Home In Sacramento

Working From Home In Sacramento

For those who haven’t started implementing cloud-based file sharing and phone solutions, please know that you can reach out to us for assistance. We can deliver remote support to make sure you’re making the most of remote work capabilities during this difficult time. We have the skill and the experience necessary to make sure your remote access set up is:

  • Reliable. Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you should have to put up with a slow or inconsistent connection to your business’ IT. We’ll make sure your remote access connection is reliable, allowing you and your staff to work without unnecessary interruption.
  • Secure. It’s important to note that remote access can be extremely risky if it’s not set up correctly. Cybercriminals are expected to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic and target remote workers with unsecured connections. TLC Tech will make sure you’re protected.
  • User-Friendly. The last thing you need right now is a steep learning curve for your staff to overcome with a new remote access IT solution. These applications can vary significantly in the quality of the user experience. Our team will make sure it’s set up correctly, and that you and your staff will know how to make proper use of it.

Using new technologies and managing a team of remote staff members isn’t easy. We want you to know that you don’t have to do it alone – the TLC Tech team is here to help. If our community is going to get through this challenging time, we’re going to do it by helping each other. Learn how Managed IT Services can help your business. Discover the best IT company suited for your business.