In the modern business world, your IT provider is an integral part of your company.

They need to be going above and beyond to do more than simply fixing broken equipment and installing new hardware – they need to be there when you need them most, and they need to find new ways to enhance efficiency. Above all, they need to look out for your best interests and help you operate more profitably than ever before.

There are plenty of reasons to shop around for a better alternative, but once you’ve been with a certain provider for a while, it can be easy to overlook their faults because of how familiar you’ve become with their service.

How Can You Tell When You Need A New IT Company?

If you’re encountering any one of the following challenges, you owe it to yourself to find a better IT company:

  1. Knowledge and Capability Gaps
    Whereas many IT companies will promote their managed services as comprehensive, that may not always be the case. Especially when the client operates in a highly specialized industry, the IT company may not be familiar with their line of business apps.
    It may come down to a single type of software or particular technical need, but it’s the difference between totally managed IT, and nearly managed IT. Don’t settle for an unskilled IT team.
  2. Hidden Fees
    As in any business relationship, a key downside to look out for is the possibility of hidden fees. Be sure to carefully look over the contract and SLA to make sure you’re aware of additional fees that may come with onsite support, support hours caps, etc. If you’re getting nickel and dimed month after month, then it’s time to move on.
  3. Security vs. Control
    This is an ongoing debate – and for good reason. The more of your security (and data) that you hand over to a third-party IT company, the less control you may feel you have over it.
    For some businesses, this is too much to ask, and so they arrange to manage their security internally, wherein they can better oversee it. However, without the right security capabilities, continuing to manage security independently can be unsafe. Make sure you’re working with an IT company that can delivery the level of security you need.
  4. Availability
    When they’re trying to get you to sign, an IT company may say anything and everything you want to hear. Furthermore, they will likely be very easy to get a hold of.
    But what about after you’ve signed? How can you know for sure that they will answer the phone when you need them?
    That’s why it’s smart to inquire about their response times, Help Desk models, and other support guarantees. If you’re not getting the response you need, then it’s time to move on.
  5. Inconsistent Performance
    Don’t settle for general statements about performance – you should get actual stats and guarantees about what will be delivered, and how it will meet what you require.
    The best way to do so is in the Service Level Agreement – this is the core of your managed services contract. Make sure that it covers 24 / 7 support, data security, and privacy guarantees, performance targets and a service cessation mechanism.
    If your IT company isn’t performing as promised, then you need to find someone who will.

Is It Time For You To Move On?

You need the best IT services to thrive, as simple as that. From productivity to security, to communication, to innovative new ways to get work done – IT is at the heart of it all.

Here are the facts – properly chosen technology combined with true expertise can achieve real results for your company. Properly supported hardware will help you streamline operations, and increase communication.

All that depends on finding the right support – have you settled for something less?

Learn how Managed IT Services can help your business.
Discover the best IT company suited for your business.

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