Microsoft Teams Multi-Window Calling Is Coming In June

Microsoft Teams users will soon be able to hold multiple calls at once, with multi-calling and other features set to roll out next month.

Microsoft continues to evolve its products, not only to keep up with industry trends but to anticipate and lead them. As Microsoft Teams has become a more and more critical tool during the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft has continued to develop and evolve the solution to better suit users’ needs.

As per the Microsoft 365 roadmap, two exciting new features are set to be available to users starting in June – multi-window calling and meeting “pop-out” capability.

Teams will soon allow users to open multiple windows for their chats, allowing them to communicate with multiple people simultaneously without having to move between conversations. Furthermore, users will have the option to pop-out the meeting as a separate window, allowing them to continue navigating around Teams, enjoying the full range of features offered by the platform during the session.

Why Are These Features Useful?

Changes like these will all help to improve the user experience, making Teams more convenient and efficient. Multi-window calling and the ability to pop-out meeting windows will make it easier for users to work between multiple conversations, consult resources in other windows simultaneously, and perform other tasks while chatting.

It’s important to stay up to date on changes like these, as they will all affect your experience as a user.

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